Pattern Plate

Pattern Plate

What is a pattern plate?

Very simplistically, a pattern plate is a static target used to show the point of impact and pattern density of a shotgun cartridge.

How & why should you use one?

Essentially whatever your chosen discipline, to perform at your best you need to have a consistent even pattern with sufficient pattern density to break the target. 

To use one, simply aim at the centre and fire! The result will reveal where the centre of your pattern is in relation to your aim point and also the pattern density of your particular cartridge and choke combination

Note of Caution!

Whilst the information gained from a pattern plate can be useful, please bear in mind that, in our opinion, the main benefit is to establish cartridge/choke pattern density at differing ranges, NOT to determine gun fit.  There are many reasons why your pattern may not be going where you think it should, most likely technique issues.  We always recommend working with a professional shooting coach to check your gun fit and technique, do not rely on a pattern plate alone.

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